The goal of Mission Outreach is to engage people in service for the purpose of transforming lives, of both the serving and the served, in the hope of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission Teams Include:

Adults sign up to mentor one student in the HSE school district and meet with them at their school weekly. The organization matches adults with students who have asked to have a mentor based on a set of specific criteria. It is the mission of Youth Mentoring Initiative to partner with the Hamilton Southeastern School Corporation and provide specialized mentor programs for students that encourage the development of personal values. YMI trains and provides mentors for students at HSE schools in grades 5-12. New Hope supports YMI both financially and with mentors. If you are interested in becoming a mentor or for more information click HERE

The Senior Smiles team visits nursing centers and retirement villages in Fishers several times a year to bring smiles to the residents. This is a mission team for all ages. Our senior friends enjoy seeing the kids and talking with the adults. Please contact Mike Ireland at if you have any questions about this mission opportunity.

Servants At Work (S.A.Ws) is an all-volunteer ministry that builds wheelchair ramps aimed at providing the handicapped, elderly, and infirmed individuals with access to their world while remaining in their homes. Our volunteers primarily work on Saturday mornings to construct the ramps on site; however, other opportunities exist during the week to survey, pre-fab and finish the construction. If you join the group, you can sign up for as many builds as you’d like, but you’re not committed to every weekend. If you have carpentry skills or are good with power tools that’s a bonus, but not a requirement! Find out more about SAW’s at their website or email team leader Scott Tornquist to sign-up at .  


This team responds to regional crisis in a way that seems most appropriate. It can be collecting emergency supplies, or money and delivering to an area, or organizing a group to help in the area affected by a disaster or crisis. To report a crisis or to volunteer please contact team leader Cindy Holladay at .

Ikaika and Dori Hobbs

Ikaika and Dori Hobbs serve as missionaries with Youth With A Mission in Maztlan, Mexico. Dori is from Indianapolis and they visit New Hope when they are home. They are involved the community outreach ministries like Homes of Hope, Remnant Skate, the Carnaval outreach and the Spring Break youth camp. They play an active role in the discipleship of the young leaders in these particular areas and are passionate about seeing them reach their potential and beyond. Their heart is to see transformation in all areas of society, from the family and education to business and government. Wherever God takes them and however He does it they are committed to seeing Mazatlan, Mexico and the Nations transformed.

New Hope supports their ministry financially, and hopes to take a mission trip to TWAM in the near future.  If you'd like to know more about the Hobbs, check out their website. 


Our Kairos prison ministry team goes into Pendleton Prison and other correctional facilities in the Indianapolis area two weekends a year to share the love of Christ, pray, worship, share meals and cookies with the offenders.  It is a 3 ½ day weekend where a team from the outside enters maximum security facilities to bring a planned Christian experience, lots of food, and most importantly non-judgmental love to offenders who many have never experienced such over powering love. We discuss, share, sing, pray, eat, listen and show love and respect to all. 

You can participate by:

  • Being on the team that goes into the prison
  • Baking cookies for the offenders before the weekend (a specific recipe to follow)
  • Donating money to “Kairos of Indiana” through New Hope’s church office
  • You many also attend the “Closing Ceremony” at the prison on Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

If you have questions, please contact Dave Pecenka at


This team's goal is to fund and build water purification systems to be used in areas where clean water is not available. Partnering with Fountains of Hope (FOH), New Hope plans to take adults on mission trips to the most marginalized places in the world. Fountains of Hope (FOH) not only installs water purification systems, but provides health and hygiene education, especially during times of disaster or emergency. For more information, please contact Betsy Binkholder at

Our mission is to provide children entering into foster care with much needed items through our Swag Pack initiative. Through Katie's Closet - Madison County foster closet, we provide clothing and other necessities for all licensed foster homes, including kinship placements, throughout Indiana. Each Swag Pack is age specific ranging from newborn to teens. The items included in each backpack are toiletry & hygiene products, new pair of pajamas, an activity and book, socks, undergarments, a warm blanket and a stuffed animal. You can donate items for the swag packs, clothing and other household goods or make a financial donation to assist this amazing mission. Donation bins are in the café at New Hope. Turn Away No Longer (TANL) has many other mission projects in the works, including a homeless coat project. Please contact Susan Kinney at



New Hope Presbyterian Church's annual Day of Caring is held each year in mid-September. This is a special day of ministry, where every member of New Hope and guests have the opportunity to truly be the hands and feet of Jesus in a variety of ways! We have a brief send-off church service on that Sunday, then hundreds of volunteers serve in the community. There are volunteer opportunities for every person, regardless of age or ability! For more information contact Mark Thacker at 317-727-8611 or

To watch a video from Day of Caring 2024 click HERE!

New Hope supports the "Come to Me" Food Pantry of Hamilton County with our ongoing collection of food and other needed items. Look for the shopping cart in the hallway outside the café. The food pantry is open each Wednesday from 1:00 - 7:00 PM for families of Hamilton County who need assistance. They are located at 9691 E. 116th Street, Fishers.  Enter the double doors facing Ikea Way. For a list of current needs please visit their website at:

Each fall, The Christmas Caring Team identifies families or children in Central Indiana who may not have the ability to buy Christmas presents.  Everyone is then given the opportunity to sign up and buy gifts for these families in need.  If you would like to volunteer or know of families in need, please reach out to Susan Kinney with any questions at

This team meets monthly to make fleece blankets and pillows to be used by many non-profits and hospitals throughout the area, as well various craft projects for our own Children’s Ministry and various mission teams. If you'd like to learn more about the Blanket Brigade, please contact team leader Susan Miner at   


If you have questions about Mission Outreach at New Hope, please contact Susan Kinney, Director of Children & Outreach Ministries at  or 317.869.8613.