Every Sunday, from 05/07/2023 to 06/18/2023, 9am - 9:45am
Sunday School (Adult & Youth)
Adult (and Youth) Sunday School
On May 7th, the Adult Sunday School class will resume. The class meets from 9:00 am until 9:45 am on Sunday mornings. Pastor Kemper will continue the Bible Basics classes that we started before Lent. The first study will look at the books that didn’t make the Bible and why. Week two will delve into one of these books, the Gospel of Thomas, and we will discuss the different reasons why Thomas’s Gospel was not included in our Cannon.
Weeks 3 and 4 we will look at the Apocrypha (books that appear in some Bibles between the Old Testament and the New), and we will look at why some Bibles include them and how some of the Reformers viewed them. Week 5 is a conversation about Divine Inspiration and how we use and understand this term as far as the Bible is concerned.
Our Bible Basics study will conclude with a lesson on how to study the Bible and the many tools available that can be used to enhance your study.
Everyone will gather in the sanctuary at 9:00 am for this class. If we have a large number of people joining us, we may divide into smaller groups. Adults and youth are encouraged to participate in this study. Susan will offer age-appropriate activities for children from 9 to 9:45 so the whole family can come and be a part of this time. Of course, there will be coffee and goodies ready at 8:45 so come and spend a little time in fellowship before the class.